Manipal Center for Infectious Diseases

Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Seed Grant Award

Terms of reference for Seed Grant Award 2025-2026

MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2023-2024

Dr. Prithvishree Ravindra - Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: "Utility of Adrenomedullin as a novel biomarker to predict disease severity and outcome in patients with Acute febrile illness presenting to Emergency Department: A prospective observational study"

Dr Saideepak Alli - Senior Resident, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: "A protocolized approach to acute undifferentiated febrile illness presenting to Emergency Medicine Department in a tertiary care hospital- A prospective observational study"

Dr. Padmaja A. Shenoy - Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: “Microbiological and molecular profiling of necrotizing soft tissue infections”

Dr. Rachana - Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: “Comparison of Thromboelastography (TEG) with conventional coagulation parameters in predicting transfusion requirement in Acute Febrile Illness(AFI) patients with moderate to serve thrombocytopenia presenting to the Emergency department”

Dr. Bharath Prasad A.S. - Assistant Professor, Department of Ageing Research, Manipal School of Life Sciences, MAHE, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: “Identification and screening of the novel antimicrobials in inactivating/neutralizing the virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Protease IV/ Pseudolysin”

Dr. Kiran Kumar Kolathur - - Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, MAHE Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: “Role of the ubiquitin-like protein UBL5 in herpes simplex virus infection”
Publication Details:
Kolathur, K. K., Mallya, S., Barve, S., Bojja, S. L., & Wagle, M. M. (2023). Moonlighting functions of the ubiquitin-like protein, Hub1/UBL-5. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 162, 106445.
Quartile 1; Impact factor - 5.65
Publication Link:

MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2022-2023
Dr Aditi Chopra - Associate Professor, Department of Periodontology Manipal College of Dental Sciences, MAHE, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Estimation of salivary and serum IgA antibody response post COVID-19.

Dr Eshwari K- Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Feasibility of "1-3-7" survelilance and response approach for malaria elimination in urban Udupi:a mixed method study.

Dr. Manali Hazarika - Assistant Professor Department of Ophthalmology,Kasturba Medical College Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Evaluation of Microbiological aspects of the tear film in neonates
Publication Details:
Grant Details
Title of Project Agency/Scheme Grant Amount
"Evaluation of the bacterial ocular surface microbiome in the neonates" SPARC IIT Kharagpur Rs. 30,00,000/-

Dr Mathew Peter- Assistant Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Evaluating the antimicrobial efficiency of metal-organic framework based Nano formulation to tackle acquired infections.
Publication Details:
Conference Presentation Details:
1.Asian Polymer Association- International e-Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanoengineering
February 24-26, 2022: Oral Presentation: Metal Organic Framework based surface modification of Chitosan-Gelatin Cryogels for wound healing applications.

2. International conference on Nanoscience and Photonics for Medical applications (ICNPMA-2022) Manipal, India, December 28-30, 2022 : Poster Presentation: Chitosan-Gelatin Cryogels surface coated with Zinc-Immidazole framework for wound healing application.

Grant Details
PG Thesis :
1.Preparation of Metal-organic framework (MOF) and studying its antimicrobial properties" - Sushma Rani, MSLS. -1
Title of Project Agency/Scheme Grant Amount
"Preparation and characterization of metal organic framework nanoparticles as antibacterial coating materials to prevent hospital acquired infections" KARNATAKA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY- Student Project Programme (SPP): 2021-22 7000 INR

Dr Santhosh L Gaonkar - Associate Professor- Sr. Scale Department of Chemistry Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Design, computational studies and synthesis of novel carbocyclic/heterocyclic metal complexes as anti-biofilm agents mucoidal strains of Pseudomonas causing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Dr. Souvik Chaudhuri- - Assistant Professor Department of Critical Care Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

Title of Seed grant project: Assessment of utility of point of care ultrasound for early triaging of patients with non-malarial acute Febrile illness.
Publication Details:
Chaudhuri, Souvik; Ravindra, Prithvishree; Gupta, Nitin; Rao, Shwethapriya; Kudru, Chandrashekar Udyavara; Saravu, Kavitha. Assessment of the Utility of Point-of-Care Testing Incorporating Ultrasound and Arterial Blood Gas in Patients with Acute Febrile Illness in the Emergency Department to Determine Disease Severity, Disposition, Need for Ventilation and Renal Replacement Therapy. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock ():10.4103/jets.jets_29_23, August 14, 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jets.jets_29_23
Quartile 2, Impact Factor 0.319
Publication Link:

Grant Details
MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2021-2022
Dr Shwethapriya Rao - Professor & Head of Critical Care Medicine, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Pharmacometrics Evaluation and Antimicrobial efficacy of Standard MeRopenem dosing in Gram-negative bacteriaL sepsis (PEARL): A prospective, single-center study

Dr Apurv Barche - Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Modulation of Neonatal gut microbiome in Pan resistant and sensitive Klebsiella pneumoniae sepsis

Archana Mahadev Rao - Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, MIT Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Inhibition of DNA encapsidation in Herpes simplex virus

Dr Mridula M - Associate Professor of Microbiology, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Optimization of Dosage Regimen of Amikacin and Piperacillin-Tazobactam: A Pharmacometric Approach

Dr Ciraj Ali Mohammed - Professor of Microbiology, MMMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Molecular characterisation of Eschericihia coli isolates causing urosepsis in women of reproductive age group

Dr Shaik Mahammad Abdul Fayaz - Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, MIT Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Development of Novel and Potential Neuraminidase (NA) Inhibitors against H1N1 Influenza Virus through In Silico and In Vitro Studies
MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2020-2021
Dr Nitin Gupta - Assistant professor of Infectious Diseases, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: "Impact of Rapid diagnostic tests in patients with acute febrile illness presenting to a tertiary care hospital in South India: an open diagnostic intervention randomized controlled trial"
Publication Details:
Gupta, N., Boodman, C., & Saravu, K. (2024). Development of a clinical scoring system to make a presumptive diagnosis of Kyasanur Forest Disease: a case-control study from South India. Le infezioni in medicina, 32(1), 61–68.
Publication Link:

Gupta N, Joylin S, Ravindra P, Wilson W, Bhat R, Guddattu V, Neumayr A, Mukhopadhyay C, Saravu K. A diagnostic randomised controlled trial to study the impact of rapid diagnostic tests in patients with Acute febrile illness when compared to conventional diagnostics (DRACO study). J Infect. 2021 Apr 8:S0163-4453(21)00164-X.
Quartile 1, Impact Factor 3.839
Publication Link:

Gupta N, Wilson W, Ravindra P, Joylin S, Bhat R, Saravu K. Clinical profile, management and outcome of patients with leptospirosis during the times of COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study from a tertiary care centre in South India. Infez Med. 2021 Sep 10;29(3):393-401. doi: 10.53854/liim-2903-10.
Quartile Q3, Impact Factor 4.51
Publication Link:

Presentation Details:
Oral presentation on the topic “A diagnostic randomized controlled trial to study the impact of rapid diagnostic tests in patients with acute febrile illness when compared to conventional diagnostics (DRACO study)",by Dr.Nithin Gupta in Virtual international European Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases , held from 9.07.2021 to 12.07.2021.

Grant Details

Dr Bharath Raja Guru - Professor of Biotechnology, MIT Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Implant and nano-formulation of acyclovir and prodrug of acyclovir using biodegradable polymers to treat herpes simplex virus infections
Publication Details:
Grant Details

Dr Kanav Khera - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Genotypic profiling and docking studies using gyrA gene obtained from Fluoroquinolone-resistant urinary isolates of E. coli
Publication Details:
Venkat Abhiram Earny, Venkatesh Kamath, Anuraag Muralidharan, Vandana K E, Kanav Khera. Marine Microbial Metabolites: A new wave of drugs for Combating Antimicrobial Resistance. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(4):2348-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00414
Quartile 3,Impact Factor -1.203
Publication Link: Click Here

Grant Details

Received BEST POSTER titled “Studying Gene Mutation in the Aqusition of Flouroquinolone Resistance in Uro Pathogenic E.Coli “co-authored with Venketesh Kamath , Venkat Earny and Kanav Khera. KrupaPharmaCon 2021 | 3rd Global Online Conference & Workshop on Drug Development 4.0: Emerging Technologies an event organized by Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru, on 02-03 July 2021.

Dr Suchitra Shenoy - Associate Professor of Microbiology, KMC Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project: Nanoparticle - encapsulated antibiotics to combat bacterial biofilm
Publication Details:
Grant Details

Dr Barnini Banerjee - Associate Professor of Microbiology, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Molecular epidemiology of the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and their association with biofilm formation in patients with bone and joint infection
Publication Details:

Presentation Details:
Poster presentation - Barnini Banerjee, Sadrusha M., Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, Shyamsunder Bhat. ‘Determination of Effect of Subinhibitory Concentrations Of Vancomycin On Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilms Produced In Orthopedic Infection’ at AIIMS –ASM 2020 Jointly Organized by All India of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & The American Society for Microbiology held on 7th -8th October 2020.

Grant Details

MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2019-2020
Dr Dhanashree B - Associate Professor of Microbiology, KMC Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project: Detection of common diarrheagenic bacterial and viral pathogens in faecal samples of paediatric by polymersae cahin reaction
Background: Diarrheal diseases are the primary cause of death among children below five years of age. Aetiology of diarrhoea differs depending on the country and region. Most of the clinical laboratories perform microscopy and culture which have reduced sensitivity and hence aetiology of diarrhoea goes undiagnosed. Accurate laboratory diagnosis of the diarrhoea causing agent is necessary to know the pathogen-specific burden of diarrhoeal disease and management of patients.

Material & methods: In this cross-sectional, in-vitro study done from 01-April-2019 to 31-March-2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, stool samples of children (n=109) with ≥3 diarrheal episodes were cultured for bacterial pathogens. Total faecal genomic DNA & RNA was extracted using QIAamp Fast DNA Stool and QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kits. Real time PCR (RT PCR) was done for the detection of bacterial and viral aetiological agents.

Results: Among the 109 stool samples screened by RT PCR, Shigella spp was detected in 16% (n=17), Rotavirus in 21% (n=23) and Salmonella spp. in 2% (n=2) of stool samples. Two samples had multiple pathogens namely Rotavirus and Shigella spp. However, by the conventional culture, we could isolate one each of Shigella flexneri & S.Typhi from two samples.

Conclusion: Shigella spp and Rotavirus were the predominant aetiology of diarrhoea in our study population. PCR was found to be a better tool when compared to culture as it could detect both viral and bacterial pathogens simultaneously. Further studies are necessary to screen for all the possible pathogens (bacteria, virus & parasite) in stool samples with a focus on the seasonal distribution of the pathogens causing diarrhoea in this part of the country.
Publication Details:
Bhat, A., Rao, S. S., Bhat, S., Vidyalakshmi, K., & Dhanashree, B. (2023). Molecular diagnosis of bacterial and viral diarrhoea using multiplex-PCR assays: An observational prospective study among paediatric patients from India. Indian journal of medical microbiology, 41, 64–70.
Quartile 4; Impact factor - 1.34
Publication Link:

Grant Details

Dr Sridevi HB - Associate Professor of Pathology, KMC Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project: Utility of serum procalcitonin and CD64 ratio expressed on neutrophill, lymphocyte and monocyte subsets in diagnosis of early Onset Neonatal Sepsis
The present study is a hospital-based prospective multidisciplinary study. Objectives of the study are a. To study the utility of flow cytometry (FCM) analysis of CD64 ratio expressed on neutrophil,lymphocyte and monocyte subsets in diagnosis of early onset neonatal sepsis(NS) in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU). b. To study role of serum C-reactive protein(CRP), hematological scoring system(HSS) and serum procalcitonin(sPCT) in the diagnosis of NS. c. To correlate CD64 expression,CRP,sPCT and blood culture with clinical findings. Inclusion criteria included study population of neonates born to those pregnant women who were considered high risk mothers due to various risk factors that contributed to development of NS and admitted for delivery. Neonates born to these mothers, will be assessed in the first 3 days of birth to look for EONS.

Various tests such as CBC,IT ratio,ANC, platelet indices, sPCT, CRP and blood culture have been used to diagnose neonatal sepsis either singly or in any combinations. These tests either lack sensitivity or specificity or tests like blood culture takes longer time which delays the initiation of antibiotic or results in usage of broad spectrum antibiotics. Thus, the need for a test for early diagnosis of NS that has got high sensitivity and specificity. CD64 expression is a rapid yet accurate method to detect early sepsis and when combined with sPCT can be a significant diagnostic tool. We believe that utility of CD64 to diagnose NS has implication on antibiotic stewardship for timely initiation or termination of antibiotic therapy in NICU.
Publication Details:

Grant Details
Dr Chythra Rao - Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:Seasonal trends in microbial quality of community water samples and perpectives about antibiotic use and misuse in the community
Publication Details:

Presentation Details:
E-poster presentation at 48th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine – IAPSMCON 2021, held from 19th -21st March 2021, organized by PGIMER, Chandigarh – Virtual conference

Awarded 2nd prize in e-poster category for “Evaluation of microbial quality of household drinking water samples from coastal community of Southern Karnataka”, at the 48th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine – IAPSMCON 2021, held from 19th-21st March 2021, organized by PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency Grant Amount
Socio-cultural and environmental drivers of antibiotic resistance in the community: people, physicians and pharmacists’ perspective – a mixed methods approach. ICMR INR 27,20,933/-

Dr Sonal Sekhar - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Vitamin D Supplements in Diabetic Foot Infection: A Prospective Observational Study in a Tertiary Healthcare Facility
PhD Student Trained : 2

Publication Details:
1. Shilia Jacob Kurian, Sonal Sekhar Miraj, Ruby Benson, Murali Munisamy, Kavitha Saravu, Gabriel Sunil Rodrigues, Mahadev Rao. Vitamin D Supplementation in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Current Perspective. Current Diabetes Reviews. 2021;17(4):512-521. doi: 10.2174/1573399816999201012195735.
Quartile 2; Impact factor - 1.953
Publication Link:

2. Ruby Benson, Mazhuvancherry Kesavan Unnikrishnan, Shilia Jacob Kurian, Saleena Ummer Velladath, Gabriel Sunil Rodrigues, Raghu Chandrashekar Hariharapura, Anju Muraleedharan, Dinesh Bangalore Venkateshiah, Barnini Banerjee, Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay, Aieshel Serafin Johnson, Murali Munisamy, Mahadev Rao, Benson Mathai Kochikuzhyil, Sonal Sekhar Miraj. Vitamin D attenuates biofilm-associated infections via immunomodulation and cathelicidin expression: a narrative review, Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 2023;21(1): 15-27. DOI: 10.1080/14787210.2023.2151439
Quartile 1; Impact factor - 5.854
Publication Link:

3. Sonal Sekhar Miraj, Shilia Jacob Kurian, Gabriel Sunil Rodrigues, Kavitha Saravu, Mahadev Rao, Siba Prasad Raychaudhury, Bernard W. Downs, Debasis Bagchi. Phytotherapy in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Promising Strategy for Effective Wound Healing. Journal of American College of Nutrition. 2023;42(3): 295-310 (IF: 3.571 ; Q2)
Quartile 2; Impact factor - 3.571
Publication Link:

4. Shilia Jacob Kurian, Tejaswini Baral, Mazhuvancherry K Unnikrishnan, Ruby Benson, Murali Munisamy, Kavitha Saravu, Gabriel Sunil Rodrigues, Mahadev Rao, Amit Kumar, Sonal Sekhar Miraj.The association between Micronutrient levels and Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2023; . 14:1152854. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1152854
Quartile 2; Impact factor - 6.055
Publication Link:

Presentation Details
Title of presentation: Vitamin D Supplements in Diabetic Foot Infection: A Prospective Observational Study in a Tertiary Healthcare Facility
Authors: Sonal Sekhar M, Gabriel Sunil Rodrigues, Shilia Jacob Kurian
Conference: 3rd Manipal International Infectious Disease Conference on 10-11 August 2019 at Manipal

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency/scheme Grant Amount
Effect of Vitamin Supplements and Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in South-Indian Patients with Diabetic Foot Infections ICMR SRF Rs. 14,20,800/-
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D receptor gene expression and wound healing in diabetic foot ulcer patients infected with biofilm forming organism IMF, MAHE Rs. 3,90,000/-
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D receptor gene expression and wound healing in diabetic foot ulcer patients infected with biofilm forming organism - a prospective cohort study DHR-Grant-in-Aid (GHA) scheme INR 34,06,368

Dr Jesil Mathew A - Associate Professor, Dept of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Design and Evaluation of a Nanogel formulation for Bioflim based burn Infections
Design and evaluation of a nanogel formulation for biofilm based burn infections

The study was performed to identify the possible targets of bacterial signaling process that can be exploited to develop antibiofilm therapeutics. With the help of computational biology, we were successful in designing a hypothesis and screening the molecules available in the database. Since the procurement of these molecules were beyond the reach of our project similar molecules were synthesized in the laboratory. These molecules were tested in the lab and were found to be effective in standard organisms procured from national repositories a topical formulation was developed and tested on reference strains. However, due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the formulation could not be tested in the clinical isolates.
Publication Details:
Biswas, A., A, J.M., Lewis, S.A. et al. Design and Evaluation of Microemulsion-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Biofilm-Based Infection in Burns. AAPS PharmSciTech 25, 203 (2024).
Quartile 2; Impact factor - 3.4
Publication Link:

Presentation Details:
On the Topic “Bacterial Biofilm; an emerging target” , Avirup Biswas and Jesil Mathew A., Presented in ICTHR conference conducted by MAHE.

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency Grant Amount
Development and evaluation of hybrid pharmacophores for addressing biofilm based bacterial infections All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for the Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) 16,53,000

Dr Shashidhar V - Associate Professor of Microbiology, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Screening for Abacavir Hypersensitivity by DNA Microarray among HIV sero-positive adult patients in a tertiary care hospital
HLA molecules are involved in induction and regulation of immune responses, but are associated with disease too. HLA-B*5701 allele carriage has been strongly associated with hypersensitivity reaction to abacavir (ABC) with up to 100% positive predictive value. Occurrence (<5%) of hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) has restricted the usage of ABC.A prospective study was conducted to assess the frequency of HLAB*57:01 allele carriage by DNA Microarray among 52 HIV-1 infected individuals attending HIV clinic and to document the usage of ABC and its adverse event profile. The mean age of the study subjects was 49 yrs, with majority of them males (67%). Antiretroviral therapy was started in 90% patients. The most frequent ART regimen (60%) instituted was a combination of 2 NRTIs and 1 NNRTI. Mean CD4+ lymphocyte cell count was 480 cells/ HIV-1 viral load of less than 1000 copies/mL was found in 67% study subjects. HLA-B*57:01 carriage was seen in 2 (3.8%) patients who were not on ABC based ART regimen currently or in the past. Even though low sample size was a limitation, the frequency rate which we found reflects the prevalence rates found in earlier studies (ASSURE) including those from India.

The frequency of ABC usage in our hospital setting was found to be low. During the study period, 10 patients were found to be on ABC based ART regimen, including 6 patients for whom HLAB*57:01 testing was performed. Tenofovir induced renal adverse effects (50%), chronic kidney disease (30%) and hepatitis with dolutegravir based regimen (20%) were the reasons for introduction of ABC. None of the patients on ABC had experienced signs or symptoms suggestive of ABC-associated HSR.

Predicting the occurrence of ABC HSR or its avoidance through HLA-B*57:01 screening is possible. Considering the evidence of varied prevalence of HLAB*57:01 across different racial and ethnic populations and gender wise differences in allele carriage, it is appropriate that multi-centric studies across India may be planned to know the HLAB*57:01 prevalence rates across different geographical regions of our country among HIV-infected individuals. Cost can be a limiting factor for HLAB*57:01 screening which needs consideration. Kit based microarray testing seems to require relatively less technical expertise and also allows easy analysis of results compared to other molecular typing methods. Screening for HLA-B*5701 allele carriage among HIV-infected patients should be performed before initiation of therapy with ABC-containing regimens. There is further scope to work on the role of various HLA phenotypes and clinical outcomes in HIV infection in Indian settings.

Publication Details:

Presentation Details
Oral presentation "Screening for Abacavir Hypersensitivity by DNA Microarray among HIV sero-positive adult patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital" State Conference ay Yenepoya Medical College February 2022

Best Paper at the 26th Annual State Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists - Karnataka Chapter, "Viral Storm - Current Scenario" held online from 26th - 27th February 2022 at Yenepoya Medical College, Mangaluru.

Grant Details

MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2018-2019
Dr G Sreejith - Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, MMMC, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Developing and evaluating the efficacy of a paper based rapid diagnostic test for dengue using zinc oxide quantum dots
Integration of medicine with technology is the solution for efficient and accelerated diagnostic outcomes to deliver better health care. Efforts are being taken by many researchers to develop economical and easy to use diagnostic assays for various clinical conditions including infectious diseases. Introduction of nanotechnology has been noticed as a major breakthrough in many such successful research initiatives. Usage of nanobiosensors are shown to be an excellent approach for a better diagnostic test. The objective of this project was to develop a paper-based dengue detection kit. In view of that, luminescent ZnO nanoparticles functionalized with specific anti NS1 antibody was synthesized. Luminescence spectra of the ZnO nanoparticles showed two peaks at 370 nm and 440 nm. The changes in the luminescence intensity with different amount of dengue positive serum was studied and compared with changes in the nanoparticle luminescence intensity with different amount dengue negative serum samples. It was observed that, after adding positive serum, luminescence intensity of the ZnO nanoparticles increased, which can be attributed to the binding of the NS1 antigen to the antibody. After adding negative serum, the luminescence intensity of the ZnO nanoparticles showed a decrease in intensity. This confirmed the possibility of using changes in the luminescence of ZnO nanoparticles for dengue detection. Further optimization and studies are required to understand these changes in the luminescence and to develop a dengue detection kit.

Publication Details:
Pramod K. Namboothiri, Sreejith Govindan, K.V. Rajitha, Sajna Jasmine, Mathew Peter, D.B. Niranjan, Shashikiran Umakanth- Dengue NS1 antigen detection using photoluminescence of solution phase biotylinated anti-NS1 antibody conjugated ZnO quantum dots
Quartile 1; Impact factor - 4.778
Publication Link:

Presentation Details
E-poster presentation, “Preparation of ZnO nanoparticles embedded filter papers”. At Manipal McGill Center for Infectious Diseases MAC ID International Conference, 2018 Held at Mangalore

Grant Details

Dr Sindhura Lakshmi - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pathology, KMC, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Role of intracellular cytokine flow cytometry in assessing tuberculosis specific cytokines to differentiate between active and latent tuberculosis
Publication Details:
Laxminarayana SL, Belurkar S, Saravu K, Swaminathan SM. Intracellular Cytokine Flow Cytometry to Differentiate between Active and Latent Tuberculosis through Assessment of Tuberculosis-specific Cytokines. Journal of Applied Hematology. 2024:10-4103.
Quartile 4; Impact factor - 0.168
Publication Link:

Presentation Details:
E- Poster Presentation, Part of this study was presented at the MACID International Conference held on the 11th and 12th of August 2018.

Grant Details

Dr Naresh Kumar Mani - Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, MIT, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:PADS: Engineering Miniaturized Paper-based Analytical Devices for Point-of-Care (POC) diagnosis & antibiotic susceptibility of Candidiasis
PhD Student Trained :

Publication Details:
Singhal Hardik Ramesh, Prabhu Anusha, Giri Nandagopal, M. S. Dheivasigamani, Thangaraju, Mani Naresh Kumar, One-dollar microfluidic paper-based analytical devices: Do-It-Yourself approaches, Micro chemical Journal, 10.1016/j.microc.2021.106126
Quartile 2; Impact factor – 4.8
Publication Link:

Anusha Prabhu, Hardik Singhal, M. S. Giri Nandagopal, Reshma Kulal, Prakash Peralam Yegneswaran, and Mani Naresh Kumar. Knitting Thread Devices: Detecting Candida albicans Using Napkins and Tampons. ACS Omega. 2021 May 3;6(19):12667-12675. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c00806.;
Quartile 2; Impact factor – 3.5
Publication Link:

Hasandka A , Prabhu A , Prabhu A , Singhal HR , Nandagopal M S G , Shenoy R , Mani NK . "Scratch it out": carbon copy based paper devices for microbial assays and liver disease diagnosis. Anal Methods. 2021 Jul 28;13(28):3172-3180. doi: 10.1039/d1ay00764e.
Quartile 2; Impact factor – 2.89
Publication Link:

Anusha Prabhu, Giri Nandagopal M. S., Prakash Peralam Yegneswaran, Vijendra Prabhu, Ujjwal Verma, Naresh Kumar Mani; Thread integrated smart-phone imaging facilitates early turning point colorimetric assay for microbes; RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 26853; DOI: 10.1039/d0ra05190j.
Quartile 1; Impact factor – 3.1
Publication Link:!divAbstract

Prabhu, A., Giri Nandagopal, M.S., Peralam Yegneswaran, P. et al. Inkjet printing of paraffin on paper allows low-cost point-of-care diagnostics for pathogenic fungi. Cellulose (2020).
Quartile 1; Impact factor – 4.2
Publication Link:

Patent filed: A Paraffin Based Composition and Paper Based System for Detection of Microbes

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency Grant Amount
Drop & Detect”: Distance-based assay for Candida albicans using Paper-based Microfluidic devices DST SERB 25,00,000/

Dr Sevitha Bhat - Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, KMC, Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project: Utility of direct detection of mec A gene in clinical specimen for detection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Background: S. aureus is implicated in skin, soft tissue infections and invasive infections like cellulitis pneumonia, endocarditis, bacteremia, septic shock. MRSA infections are associated with higher morbidity, mortality and higher costs MRSA: major cause of heath care associated infections (HA -MRSA) HA-MRSA rates have increased from 23.9% in 2013 to 30.2% in 2016 The alarming rise in the rates of HA- MRSA reported from this region necessitates the need for a DNA based assay PCR: easy, sensitive and specific method for detection of MRSA .

Objectives: To isolate and identify MRSA from clinical specimen , To detect mec A gene in the clinical specimen and To compare direct detection of mec A gene with detection in clinical isolate of Staphylococcus aureus

Methods: Cross sectional hospital based study Inclusion criteria: Invasive samples (blood,deep tissue pus, bronchoalveolar lavage, sterile body fluids )Sample size: 125. The samples were processed using standard methods. Identification of growth: Gram stain, catalase test &coagulase test. Antibiotic sensitivity testing: Modified Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. The results were interpreted with CLSI recommendations. Cefoxitin (30μg) disk diffusion method: methicillin resistance in S.aureus. DNA Extraction: QIAamp blood and tissue kit (QIAGEN) and alkali lysis for the extraction from BacT alert broth and Real time PCR was performed.

Results: 110 clinical non duplicate samples were included in the study The prevalence of MRSA : 29%.74.6% : skin and soft tissue infections,11% from blood stream infections , 10.4% from osteomyelitis cases, 4% respiratory secretions Antibiotic resistance rates of MRSA ciprofloxacin(75%),clindamycin(51.1%), trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (59.1%) and erythromycin( 62.5%). Vancomycin (0%). Real time PCR Sensitivity: 97% Specificity: 98% PPV:94% ,NPV : 98% (With culture as gold standard )

Conclusion: This study demonstrated the potential utility of real-time PCR for the detection of S. aureus and MRSA directly from clinical cultures allowing for rapid same day detection. We used Gram stain results as criteria for sample selection. Rapid detection of MRSA would assist in better patient management, in terms of accurate antimicrobial treatment, help in cohorting infected from uninfected patient to prevent spread.
Publication Details:
Sevitha Bhat, Gopalkrishna Bhat, Shalini Shenoy, Archana Bhat , Pooja Rao. Utility of Direct Detection of mec A gene in Clinical Specimen for Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 14 • Issue 03 • February 2022
Impact Factor: 0.389
Publication Link:

Presentation Details
Poster presentation Utility of direct detection of mec A gene in clinical specimen for detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. at CIDSCON 2020 National Conference 21-29 November 2020

Grant Details

Dr Navya Vyas - Assistant Professor, Dept of Public Health, PSPH, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Multicentric Observational Study on Protective Effect of Metformin against Tuberculosis in Diabetic Patients in South Indian Tertiary Healthcare Facilities
Publication Details:
Navya Vyas, Rakhi Punchathidil , Ansuman Swain, Irfan Shakeer, Badikol Shrikar Reddy , Mohan Kamalanivas Manu, Sonal Sekhar Miraj. Repurposing of Metformin for the prevention and treatment of Tuberculosis. Article • Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. 58 • 2022
Quartile 2, Impact Factor: 1.321
Publication link:

Presentation Details:
Title of presentation: Multicentric Observational Study on Protective Effect of Metformin Against Tuberculosis in Diabetic Patients in South-Indian Tertiary Healthcare Facilities
Authors: Dr. Navya Vyas, Dr. Sonal Sekhar M, Dr. Manu K Mohan
Conference: 3rd Manipal International Infectious Disease Conference on 10-11 August 2019 at Manipal

II Prize for online presentation on the topic “Multicentric Observational Study on Protective Effect of Metformin Against Tuberculosis in Diabetic Patients in South-Indian Tertiary Healthcare Facilities” (Presenter: Dr. Shilia Jacob Kurian) in Student's Pharmaceutical Conclave-2020 organized by Pharmacy Society of Kerala on 21st August 2020.

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency Grant Amount
Modulation of Microbiota with Probiotic for Better Treatment Outcome in Tuberculosis Patients with Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Study in Tertiary Healthcare Facilities ICMR North-East Seed Grant Rs. 19,94,415/-

Dr Ritu Raval - Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, MIT, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:Exploring the immunomodulatory properties of chitosan derivatives
Publication Details:
Mudgal J, Mudgal PP, Kinra M, Raval R. Immunomodulatory role of chitosan‐based nanoparticles and oligosaccharides in cyclophosphamide‐treated mice. Scand J Immunol. 2019;e12749
Quartile 3; Impact factor – 2.314
Publication Link:

Grant Details

MAC ID Seed Grant Awardees 2017-2018
Dr Kavitha Saravu - Professor & Head, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Comparative Therapeutic Efficacy Study of Two Regimens of Primaquine for Radical Cure of Plasmodium Vivax Malaria among Adults in Udupi
Publication Details:
A pilot randomized controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of two 14-day primaquine regimens for the radical cure of vivax malaria in South India. 2018; Mal J, 17, 321.
Quartile 1; Impact factor - 2.845
Publication Link:

Gandrala D, Gupta N, Lavu A, Nallapati VT, Guddattu V, Saravu K. Recurrence in Plasmodium vivax malaria: a prospective cohort study with long follow-up from a coastal region in South-West India. F1000Res. 2022 Mar 4;11:279.
Quartile 1; Impact factor - 3.2
Publication Link:

Presentation Details
Oral presentation on the topic “Determination of severity, in- hospital outcomes and Recurrences in Malaria: A Prospective cohort study from a tertiary care centre”, Divya Gandrala, Saravu K, in CIDSCON 2018 Clinical Infectious Disease Society Conference held at CMC Vellore, Tamil Nadu held from 16th -18th August 2018- 19

First Prize for oral presentation on the topic “Determination of severity, in- hospital outcomes and Recurrences in Malaria: A Prospective cohort study from a tertiary care centre”, Divya Gandrala, Saravu K, in CIDSCON 2018 Clinical Infectious Disease Society Conference held at CMC Vellore, Tamil Nadu held from 16th -18th August 2018- 19

Grant Details
Title of Project Agency Grant Amount
Gazelle Malaria Clinical Accuracy study of a novel point of care test Hemex Health, USA INR 7,69, 537/-
Persistence of malaria in Udupi, Mangalore region with focus on asymptomatic malaria and its sustained transmission among construction workers and natives DA Prasanna Endowment Seed Funding Scheme - 2022 INR 15,00,000/-
Persistence of malaria in endemic regions with a focus on asymptomatic and submicroscopic ,malaria and its sustained transmission among construction workers and natives: A multicentric cross-sectional study ICMR adhoc INR 74,50,511/-

Dr Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay - Associate Dean, KMC Manipal & Professor Dept. Microbiology, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project: Molecular Detection and Characterization of Carbapenemase Resistance Gram Negative Bacteria (Cr-Gnb) among Patients with Sepsis
PhD Student Trained :

Publication Details:
Garg R, Tellapragada C, Shaw T, Eshwara VK, Shanbhag V, Rao S, Virk HS, Varma M, Mukhopadhyay C. Epidemiology of sepsis and risk factors for mortality in intensive care unit: a hospital based prospective study in South India. Infect Dis (Lond). 2022 Jan 5:1-10. doi: 10.1080/23744235.2021.2017475.
Quartile 2, Impact Factor:1.751
Publication Link:

Presentation Details:
Oral Presentation on the topic “Source of Bacterial sepsis and its impact on Sepsis-related outcome: A prospective observational study from ICUs of a tertiary care hospital” ,Rahul Garg, Tushar shaw, Vandana KE, Muralidhar V, Chiranjay M at South Zone Critical care conference 2018, Mysuru

Grant Details

Dr Shalini Shenoy - Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, KMC Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project:Clinicomicrobiological profile of Gram negative bacterial infections in Adult ICU’s of a tertiary care centre.
Publication Details:
Shalini Shenoy Mulki, Sevitha Bhat, Pooja Rao. Clinicomicrobiological Profile of Gram Negative Bacterial Infections in Adult ICU’s of a Tertiary Care Centre. Indian J Public Health Research & Development, 11(3), 326-331.
Quartile 4; Impact factor - 0.154
Publication Link:

Grant Details

Dr Sneha Deepak Mallya - Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, KMC Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:A study to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors and its determinants among ART naïve and treated adult patients infected with HIV
Publication Details:
Sneha Deepak Mallya, Sravan Kumar Reddy T, Asha Kamath, Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, Kavitha Saravu, "Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome and 5-Year Cardiovascular Risk Estimates among HIV-Positive Individuals from an Indian Tertiary Care Hospital", AIDS Research and Treatment, vol. 2020.
Quartile 2; Impact Factor: 0.882
Publication Link:

Grant Details

Dr K.Vidyalakshmi - Professor and Head, Dept. of Microbiology, KMC, Mangalore

Title of Seed grant project:Association of Virulence Genes with Clinical Presentations and Outcomes in Melioidosis
Publication Details:
Grant Details

Dr Kiran Chawla - Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, KMC, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific host miRNA marker for diagnosis of extra Pulmonary tuberculosis
Publication Details:
Sanjiban Chakrabarty, Ajay Kumar, Kuthethur Raviprasad , Sandeep Mallya , Kapaettu Satyamoorthy, Kiran Chawla; Host and MTB genome encoded miRNA markers for diagnosis of tuberculosis; Tuberculosis; (116);2019, 37-43
Quartile 2; Impact factor – 2.369
Publication Link:

Grant Details

Dr Raghu Chandrashekar - Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:: Inhibition of Herpes Simplex Viral Replication by Silencing the Expression of a Tegument Protein VP 1/2 for the Treatment of HSV infection
Publication Details:
Manda V, Josyula VR, Hariharapura RC. siRNA intervention inhibiting viral replication and delivery strategies for treating herpes simplex viral infection. VirusDis 2019
Quartile 3; Impact factor – 0.846
Publication Link:

Grant Details

Dr T S Murali - Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, Manipal School of Life Sciences, Manipal

Title of Seed grant project:Microbial synergy and altered virulence in polymicrobial biofilms
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are one of the most serious and long-term complications associated with diabetes with approximately 16% of the diabetic patients developing foot ulcers at least once in their life time (IDF, 2019). Infected DFU are commonly associated with complex polymicrobial communities known as biofilms. Biofilms typically comprise of extracellular polymeric matrix where clusters of bacteria remain adhered to an abiotic or biotic substrate. It is well documented that chronic wound infections are biofilm-mediated (James et al., 2008) and biofilm production facilitates the persistence of antibiotic resistant isolates. In addition to providing bacteria the environmental protection, nutritional requirements, and improved cell-to-cell communication, biofilms also provide bacteria with increased antibacterial resistance, and increased virulence (Costerton et al., 2003; Trøstrup et al., 2013) thereby predisposing them to delayed wound healing (Zhao et al., 2010). Treating biofilm infection caused by multidrug resistant bacteria is a major and daunting challenge considering that antibacterial drug development has not seen much success recently. Our study reports the biofilm forming capabilities of the dominant bacterial isolates obtained from DFUs along with their resistant profiles against various clinically relevant antibiotics. The study also looks into major virulence factors and pathogen–pathogen interaction at the genetic level in biofilm communities and strategies to combat multi drug resistance in these bacteria with the help of naturally occurring phytocompounds thereby aiding better management of DFUs in diabetic patients.
Publication Details:

Presentation Details:
1. Poster presentation - Anjali Warrier, Satyamoorthy K, Murali TS. ‘Natural Compounds as potent biofilm inhibitors in diabetic foot infection’ at 9th Annual conference of the Clinical Infectious Disease Society (CIDSCON) 2019, Kochi, 23-25 August, 2019.

2. Poster presentation - Anjali Warrier, Ramachandra L, Satyamoorthy K, Murali TS. ‘Phytocompound therapy to control clinically relevant biofilm infections’ at 3rd Manipal McGill Centre for Infectious Diseases International Conference, Manipal, 10-11 August, 2019.

3. Poster presentation - Anjali Warrier, Ramachandra L, Satyamoorthy K, Murali TS. ‘Expression analysis of virulence genes in biofilm forming Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from diabetic foot ulcers’ at 3rd Manipal McGill Centre for Infectious Diseases International Conference 2019, Manipal, 10-11 August, 2019.

4. Poster presentation - Anjali Warrier, Ramachandra L, Prakash PY, Shama KP, Satyamoorthy K, Murali T.S. ‘Microbial synergy and altered virulence in polymicrobial biofilms’ at 2nd Manipal McGill Centre for Infectious Diseases International Conference 2018, Mangalore 11-12 August, 2018.

5. Poster presentation - Amitha R, Anjali Warrier, Satyamoorthy K, Murali TS. ‘Antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial strains colonizing diabetic foot ulcer infections’ at Manipal McGill Centre for Infectious Diseases International Conference 2018, Mangalore 11-12 August, 2018.

Grant Details